BHBA in the Community
We are proud to support the Stedman Community Hospice at St. Joseph’s Lifecare Centre in Brantford. Through the generosity of the community and the members of the BHBA, a brand new 26,500 sq. ft. 10 bed Hospice was built in 2014 due to increased demands that could not be met through its original 7,200 sq. ft. building. The hospice offers a whole host of compassionate programs and services to patients facing a life threatening illness, as well as support for their families too. Our Association’s ongoing commitment helps the hospice offer all these services free-of-charge so that patients and families never receive a bill for any of the care they so desperately need.
BHBA proudly supports Stedman Community Hospice’s popular Hike for Hospice annual event, with many of our Members contributing to set-up and participation in the hike. We volunteer our time and energy, even at the Board level of this compassionate palliative care facility. We do this because charitable organizations such as Stedman Hospice are a vital part of the communities we serve.
Learn more about how to contribute on their website at
Hospice is hope, sharing, family and love. Hospice is FREE … but needs your support! Follow Stedman Community Hospice on Twitter and like these wonderful people on Facebook! Join BHBA to be part of this important day!